Compass Point Coaching Columbus Ohio



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Do you share some of these questions?

  • ”I’d like to have someone to bounce ideas off of, someone who will tell me ‘like it is.’”
  • ”I don’t have a clue as to what I want to do. Where do I even start?”
  • ”I’m thinking about finding another job/career/line of work. How do I know when I’m ready?”

A coach is a sounding board, advocate and reality check.

Maybe you bounce ideas off your friends or spouse. Maybe your have a trusted personal “board of directors” that serves as your sounding board. Maybe you are in a position where you are alone or feel alone…in a position where the political negatives of talking to your natural peer group prevent you from talking over problems, issues, changes, and other workplace “stuff.” If you’re the boss, maybe people don’t level with you, or you’re not certain that you get all you need to make decisions. [Note: a coach guides workplace effectiveness, too.]

A coach is your sounding board and reality check, a confidant to help you better define issues and identify a plan for tackling them. A coach can help you “see” or examine all pieces to a puzzle, and help you consider problems from different perspectives. A coach can guide you in learning new strategies and considering different approaches. The broader your perspective, the more open you may be to opportunities and out-of-the-box thinking. Changing work environments need creative and synergistic thinking.

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CompassPoint Coaching LLC  |  2015 Arlington Avenue  |  Columbus, OH  43212

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